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Let's check facts!

This space is dedicated to my Naruto translations from japanese to english or italian.
I want to keep everything saved in only one place.

1. Sasuke recognizes Karin as The Strongest

Chapter 351

Manga: Naruto
Version: Japanese

On official manga of Naruto has been confirmed that Sasuke recognizes Karin as The Strongest Kunoichi.


2. Sasuke "Follow me Karin, I need you"


Manga: Naruto
Version: Japanese

ついて来る (tsuite kuru) comes from the verb ついて行く that means "to follow, to come with, to accompany"
来い(来る) is used like to say "Come!" or "Come on!"

The translation can be >  "Karin follow me" or "Karin come with (me)"



3. Kishimoto "The Ending is my favorite part"

New York Comicon

Video Interview
Version: English-Japanese

Pay attention to what Kishimoto says and what the woman translates.
Keep the words of Kishimot as the true fact.


4. Sasuke's never forced Karin to follow him.

Chapter: Chapter 348

and 415

Manga: Naruto
Version: Japanese

Sasuke can have feelings for Karin?
Karin said to Sasuke (lying) she was not going to follow him after HE ASKED.
Sasuke never forced her to go with him, he was okay with Karin's choice. So it means that when he saved her from black flames was not because he was using her for her strenght and he needed her to reach his goal. The mission (if we consider the beginning choice of Karin(the lie)) was going to move without her.
This means Sasuke didn't need 100% her for that mission, despite he said "I need you". of course he needed her, he considers her as the best one among Kunoichi. But he respected Karin's choice. He never forced her.

So why Sasuke felt the need to save her hardly and risking to lose his eyesight?!
That was just for mission and his goal? Or because he cared about her?



5. No intentions for Naruto and Hinata by Kishimoto

Interview for

Kishimoto: For me, the youth days of NARUTO are over and after a while he entered in adolescence, (here)I have decided to make Naruto getting closer with Hinata. But, I had not any particular  emotional attachment to their love story. I never had intention to draw such story. However, at the end of the manga, Naruto had a child, a naughty child like him that messed up Hokage Rock Face with graffiti and (it has been decided with the aim of giving) the feeling of returning to the first chapter of the series( =>  give a parallelism with chapter 1). Therefore, I didn’t have this way of thinking/idea at first, and at the time of the production of the movie version, Studio Pierrot and   Kyozuka-san(who takes care of the script) has suggested “why don’t you think to draw this for next movie?” and that’s what I felt.
The story starts after two years from original work (=> 2 years later chapter 699) and when it comes a   love-story, it’s my interest/obsession to let two people being more than 18 years old.


1. Kishimoto waited Naruto became older to focus on him having a relationship.
2. Kishimoto didn't have the intention to make the love-story of Naruto and Hinata.
3. Kishimoto wanted to make a parallelism moment between Chapter 700 and Chapter 1 with Naruto and Boruto .
4. Kishimoto has been suggested by Studio Pierrot to make BORUTO and THE LAST.


5. The Shocking Ending

Chapter: 695

During the serialization on Shonen Jump of Naruto, it has been announced "The Ending of Naruto". The weird part of this has been the use of word of  "Shocking", "Impact", "Crash" close to the word "ラストLast" that can be translated as Ending、but at the same time it reminds "THE LAST", The Naruto Movie released on December 2014.


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